September 2016: The MyMate consortium met in Bucharest at Ana Aslan International Foundation´s facilities.
Located in a stunning building in the city centre of Bucharest, Ana Aslan brilliantly hosted the first Consortium meeting of MyMate in a very friendly environment. Partners coming from Spain, Romania, The Netherlands and the UK got together with the main purpose of reviewing the project workplan, the status of the project and the progress achieved so far within the ongoing workpackages.
We officially welcome DIGITALEZORG to MyMate Consortium. As a company with relevant expertise in dissemination across Europe, DigitaleZorg has a command in a wide range of channels which are totally in line with the project target audience what can represent a great impulse in the promotion of the project goals. For that reason, DigitaleZorg is decided to be the best candidate to take over the leadership of the dissemination and exploitation activities.
During the meeting, Whiteloop, as leader of the User Consultations and Requirements Definition workpackage went through the work carried out during the first year of the project, highlighting the main conclusions reached from the user groups as well as the continuos monitoring of the users’ needs carried out throughout all the project lifecycle. Brainstorm presented the main functionalities regarding the mobile and desktop applications of the gamified platform to be agreed among the rest of partners and end users. The project development is progressing well and fulfilling the main objetives and deadlines proposed. It is foreseen that the members of Consortia meet again in The Netherlands in 6 months.